
Article I. Name and Location

Article I. Name and Location
1 The name of this organization shall be the International Council on Korean Studies (hereafter called the "Council"), and the abbreviation of the Council shall be ICKS.
2 The principal office of the Council shall be located in the Washington, D.C. area. The Council may establish offices at such other places as the Board of Directors may designate.

Article II. Goals and Objectives

Article II. Goals and objectives
1 The Council is a non-profit and non-partisan organization dedicated to the advancement of Korean studies and related academic and professional activities in the United States as well as abroad through conferences, publications, and other relevant activities.
2 The Council aims to promote consciousness of the significance of Korean affairs, Korean heritage and issues of Korean reunification. The Council also aims to help Korean- Americans learn about their special problems and possible remedies, and encourage Korean- Americans to join the main stream of American society.

Article III. Membership

Article III. Membership
and Rights
(a) Scholars or professionals who are interested in the objectives of the Council may apply for membership. Students and spouses may apply for associate membership. (b) Membership shall be granted, subject to approval of the President, upon submission of a written application and payment of dues, as may be determined by the Council. (c) All members of the. Council shall have equal voting rights at Council meetings. (d) Membership shall be terminated by the Board of Directors upon request of the President when a member's activities are contrary to the interests of the Council.
(a) All members of the Council shall constitute the General Assembly, which shall have an annual meeting immediately after and at the same place as the annual conference. (b) The General Assembly shall confirm the membership of the Board of Directors and other elected officers of the Council. (c) When any nominated candidates for elected offices fail to receive a majority vote of those in attendance at the General Assembly, a second vote for the second slate of candidates shall be taken by mail ballot through second nominations. This process shall continue until the nominated candidates are duly elected.

Article IV. Board of Directors

Article IV. Board of directors
Election and
The Board of Directors shall consist of at least twelve Directors and a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson. All vacancies of the Board of Directors, whether caused by death, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Directors, which shall be effective until the next election.
Nominating Committee
The Chairperson of the Board of Directors and the President of the Council shall name a Nominating Committee that shall nominate candidates for all elective offices of the Council.
Addition of
New Members
The Nominating Committee shall recommend new members of the Board of Directors when necessary. The Board of Directors shall approve the recommended candidates to be its members by a majority vote. The approval shall be con finned by the General Assembly as soon as possible. The new members shall have voting rights immediately after the approval of the Board of Directors unless the General Assembly disapproves them. The term of the Board of Directors shall be two years, and may be renewable.
Board of
(a) The Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held each year immediately after and at the same place as the annual meeting of the General Assembly. Decisions of the Board shall be made by a majority vote of those present. The quorum for the Board meetings shall be one half of all Directors. Lack of a quorum may be augmented by mail ballot or proxy votes. (b) Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held whenever called by the Chairperson of the Board, the President of the Council, or by a majority of the Board of Directors.
(a) The Board of Directors shall elect the President, Vice Presidents, and the Chief Auditor by a majority vote. (b) The Board of Directors shall approve the annual budget as well as special budgets submitted by the President of the Council. (c) The Board of Directors shall oversee the management of important matters of the Council, and the Chairperson of the Board and the Vice Chairperson shall be mainly responsible for fund raising.

Article V. Executive Board

Article V. Executive board
Function, and
(a) The Executive Board shall consist of the Chairperson of the Board, the President of the Council, Vice Presidents, and the Secretary General. The Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson of the Board and the President and Vice Presidents of the Council shall be elected by the majority vote of the Board of Directors. The term of elected officers on the Executive Board shall be two years, which may be, extended by another term by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. (b) The function of the Executive Board is to advise the President about important matters raised by the President or members of the Board of Directors. The Executive Board meetings may be substituted by the circulation of views via e-mail or telecopier, or U. S. mail. (c) The succession to the President, in case of death, resignation, or other reasons, shall be decided by the Chairperson of the Board and a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
(a) The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Council, who is in charge of all activities of the Council, and responsible for its liaison and communications with other professional societies and the public at large.. (b) The President shall preside over Executive Board meetings, (9 The President shall appoint the Secretary General, the Assistant Secretary General, or an Administrative Assistant, and the Treasurer. (d) The President shall create committees which shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. (e) The President shall submit the annual budget of the Council to the annual meeting of the Board of Directors for approval. (t) The President shall inform the progress of major activities of the Council and submit financial reports to the Board of Directors.
Vice Presidents
(a) Vice Presidents, representing different academic disciplines, shall assist the President. He/She shall designate a Senior Vice President. During the President's absence or incapacitation, the Senior Vice President shall assume the responsibilities of the President. (b) Each Vice President shall serve as chairperson of at least one of the committees.
(a) The Secretary General shall be the chief administrative officer of the Council. He/She shall be responsible for administrative support of Council activities and for daily operations of the Council. (b) The Secretary General shall: (1) serve as a communications link between the Council and its members regarding administrative or other matters delegated to his/her by the President, (2) prepare agenda and minutes for meetings of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Board. (3) maintain all administrative records of the Council including current membership and publications.
(a) The Treasurer shall manage the funds of the Council, collect dues and other funds and deposit the same in a bank, issue checks for disbursement, keep accounting records and prepare reports on the Council's finances. (b) All expenditures shall be authorized by the President, and all checks shall be signed by the Secretary General. (c) The Treasurer shall provide a financial report of the Council to the President each year. (d) The Treasurer shall maintain the original financial records in the main office of the Council.
Board of
The Chairman of the Board and the President of the Council may invite a number of advisors as contributing members and advisors to the Executive Council.

Article VI. Auditors

Article VI. Auditors
Election and
The Chief Auditor shall be elected by the Board of Directors, and Assistant Auditors shall be appointed by the President as needed The term of the Chief Auditor shall be two years.
Auditors shall inspect financial management and records of financial transactions. The result of annual inspection shall be reported to the Board of Directors.
The Chief Auditor shall keep the records of annual inspections as a file at the main office of the Council.

Article VII. Committees

Article VII. Committees
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) Board members including the Chairperson of the Board and the Council President. The Committee shall be named at least thirty (30) days in advance of an election. The Committee shall send the roster of nominees and their qualifications to the President in writing at least fifteen (15) days in advance of each election. The Nominating Committee shall be dissolved as soon as the election is over and all of the newly elective officers are announced.
Planning Committee
The President shall name the Planning Committee, which consists of the Senior Vice President (Chairperson), three additional Board members, and the Secretary General. The Committee shall consider long- and short-range plans for the Council.
Publication Committee
The President shall name the Publication Committee chaired by the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Korean Studies (IJKS). The Publication Committee may negotiate with appropriate publishers for the publication of conference proceedings or others materials.
Academic Committees
Academic Committees shall" be named by the President in major academic fields as deemed necessary to promote academic goals and objectives of the Council. Academic committees shall advise the President in finalizing annual conference plans.
Regional Committees
Regional Committees may be designated by the President in the major regions of the United States and the world.
Ad Hoc Committees may be created by the President as needed.

Article VIll. Communications

Article VIll. Communications
Means of communications
The Council shall use electronic mail, conference call, telecopier, or regular mail, as appropriate.
Channels of Communications
The President shall establish channels of communications for various activities such as conferences, community outreach or other projects.
ICKS Home Page and E-mail
The ICKS home page is at on the web site, and e-mail address for ICKS administration is set at The additional E-mail addresses for other staffs may be assigned by the Secretary General

Article IX. Rules of Order and Interpretation of By-laws

Article IX. Rules of order and interpretation of bylays
1 The rules contained in the Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary procedure of all meetings of the Council.
2 All questions of interpreting the Bylaws shall be decided by the Board of Directors.

Article X. Amendments to the By-laws

Article X. Amendments to the bylaws
1 By-laws may be amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors in attendance.
2 Amendments shall be proposed by the Executive Board, or by written request of at least twenty-five (25) of voting members of the Council.
3 Amendments to the Bylaws shall be effective immediately after approval of the Board of Directors until the next General Assembly disapproves the revision.